
In Gabriel Perna's article "Study: CDS System Improves Pediatric Care," she discusses how researchers at an Indiana University School of Medicine are using a computerized clinical decision support system (CDS) to improve pediatric care for children with developmental delays. Perna states that the "researchers conducted a study of four primary care pediatric clinics...and found that a computerized automation system can help pediatricians comply with clinical guidelines" to test young children with possible developmental delays. Having the ability to test for developmental delays is significant when discussing early intervention and the affects within the classroom. If students are diagnosed with a developmental delay sooner rather than later, they are more likely to receive help geared toward their needs. As a future teacher, I understand the significance of students having specific needs met. Each student learns and develops in a different way. Therefore, having technology that can help children succeed with a developmental delay not only helps the child, but helps their teachers as well.

Furthermore, it is important to note the effectiveness of the CDS system. Gabriel Perna states that the effectiveness is "significant" and that "screening and surveillance reassures parents and helps the child" if a developmental delay is suspected. Many parents complain or voice concerns that their child's needs are not met adequately enough by pediatricians. However, while using the CDS system, parents understand that their child will continue to be reevaluated and specific needs will be met. Furthermore, while using this system, CHICA helps the family with finding resources to help with their child's needs. With the use of the CDS system, children are getting the early intervention needed to become better equipped in the classroom; thus, allowing teachers to become facilitators and scaffold learning. Also, using the CDS system will help teachers because parents will have access to important resources. Getting the parent involved is beneficial to the teacher because it creates an open dialogue between the two. The CDS system should be utilized in pediatrician offices in order to actively help all areas of the child's life.


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